
I am a fan of minimalism, but what that means is different for everyone. There is not a specific  amount of items, or specific type of items that makes a minimalist. There are a ton of books out, and websites, all with great ideas and helpful information.  It can be overwhelming, so I thought I would share the ones I feel are great basics.

“Everything That Remains” by Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus.

They are not the creators of Minimalism, but are responsible for bringing a spotlight to it.  They both had very different approaches to becoming minimalists, and share their journey in a really open and down to earth manner.

The Minimalists 

This is the website of the authors of the above book. It is full of great information, and is a good starting place to look for helpful ideas. They explain the idea of minimalism really well, and I love that they are always stressing that it means something different for everyone, and that is okay! There are ideas about simplifying the stuff in your life, as well about simplifying relationship, obligations, and other things that we fill our days with.  It looks at how everything we do and feel effects everything in our lives. They also cover minimizing when you have a family. I really suggest you check it out.

Becoming Minimalist

Not to be confused with The Minimalist. Joshua Becker is another well-known minimalist with a great website, and some great books. His story and journey is great because he has a family, so he can share his first hand experience with us about reducing belongings when others are involved.

Lost Connections”  by Johann Hari.

Strangely, it is a book about what really causes anxiety and depression, but the connection between those issues and  our emotional health and habits is amazing. It goes hand in hand understanding how we function, and with simplifying our lives so we can have room for what really makes us happy.


Yep, I find Pinterest a great resource of ideas that help me not only come up with organizing solutions, but with inspiring me with new approaches to achieving the goal I want, or even defining that goal. For example, looking at capsule wardrobes, reading about them helped me understand better what I wanted from my own wardrobe.  By making a board of clothes I like, I found my style and was able to create a capsule wardrobe of my own that I love!


Queer Eye

Not the old show, but the new one. The Fab 5 cover  how our physical appearance and surroundings effect our  mental and emotional health – and visa versa. They aim to bring out the true self of the person they are working with in such an understanding way. The show is full of great insights that apply to all of us, and is amazing and fun to boot!


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